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may 02, 2012 6:49 p.m.

a sunset never looked so beautiful

a sunset never looked so beautiful. i took everything in and was overwhelmed with the beauty of it all. i didn't want the moment to end. i didn't want the people i was with to ever leave. i didn't want my thoughts or feelings of gratefulness to ever go away. i wanted to take it all in and remember.

i remember the feeling of being open to everything. to not adhere to or hold on to beliefs, because beliefs are just ideas and there are so many of those. accept everything and nothing. understand that everyone is at their own pace in this life. it is not up to you to tell others what to do, or for others to tell you how to live, rather lead by example and lead with kindness.

be kind to yourself. be patient with yourself. understand that the western way of thought is just one way and it is neither bad nor good. it is just one path of many to get to an end. it is merely one side of a coin.

i feel like i know so much more. i know that i know so much less. it all made sense and i don't want to let go of that serene moment. tears flowed and it was such a release of emotion that i had been holding on to for so long.

"let go," it said. and i did.

< frozen - melting >