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dec 10, 2003 10:42 p.m.

i can't please the world

[insert big, frustrated, irritated sigh]

goddamn. when will people realize that i am not their lackey. sorry to disappoint you, but no, my life does not revolve around you. my time is important too, you know. argh. too many people expect too many things of me. and too many people are going to read this and get offended or question the hell out of me. goddamnit. i can't even get solace out of here anymore. NO, you don't know what the hell i'm talking about and PLEASE stop trying to.

i'm so frustrated. it's stupid that i even have to address how my entries will affect others. screw it, i stopped caring as of now. go ahead people, assume what you will. everyone does anyway. and fucking people trying to tell me what the hell they want, as if they really know.

"iced coffee."

"the blended frappucino or over ice?"

"no, iced coffee."


(1 1/2 minutes later)

"here you go, thank you."

(5 minutes later)

"excuse me, i wanted the sweet one."

"you mean the blended one, the frappucino?"

"yeah, that one!"

fucking idiots. just leave me the fuck alone.

< frozen - melting >