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nov 25, 2003 9:54 a.m.


this back and forth battle inside of me between hope and depression is exhausting. i want to run away. escape. this is the old me talking. i want to forgive and accept. this is how i could be talking. the voices in my head are conflicting. i just want an end... to this.

i need to get away from these people and these thoughts and this hurt.

for someone who's supposed to be so strong i feel incredibly weak.

this battle seems non-ending. i won't give up, though. my life has not yet run its course. so i'll suffer silently while my thoughts scream accusations that i would rather not acknowledge.

everyone misinterprets so don't even try to understand. everyone lies so don't try and find honesty. and when you need to hear someone the most, silence is their only response.

expression is a godsend.

< frozen - melting >