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nov 23, 2003 6:33 p.m.

dreaming of sleep

i think that one day i'll reach a place where the clouds always reach a dusty tint and the grass is marked with the freshness of a summers day that will never pass. i think the day that i'll reach this place is the day that the moon will rise quite placidly to the amount of the sun, but brighter and more meaningful than any day spent at the job, spent at school, or spent someplace that conjur feelings other than that of complete relaxation and peacefullness. my mind will truly awake to a profoundly simplistic view of time that will alter the imaginative state of reality with a twist of sincerity not found in that of the living. if we take a look at the beauty around us perhaps we will gain a better sense of what other energies lie outside besides those which meet our own imagery through mere eye contact. test your senses. leave your boundries. awake yourself.

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