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may 06, 2002 8:39 p.m.

a light and then nothing

i had a horrible headache and was quite exhausted when i got home from school.

so i slept. i slept long and hard.

i had a dream which i will merely label "nice", because it left me with a feeling i just can't describe. i ended up waking to my reflection in the mirror with the sky in the background. the feeling i had and what i felt at that moment can only be summed up as beautiful. it's been so long since i've felt any kind of awe towards life or felt a genuine beauty from it.

i wrote about this experience - if you can call it that - in vivid detail in my diary.

i don't know if this is just a passing phase or a trickle of life resonating within the vast emptiness i felt towards my existence.

you see, this is a start.

< frozen - melting >