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dec 06, 2001 8:19 p.m.

darkest corner of my mind

my mind is blank. i'm trying to think but nothing is processing. i'm trying to remember but would rather forget. i hate this feeling. i hate it almost as much as i would like to hate myself. compression exploited in a single action. a single action amounts to many over the course of time. there are so many... i can't remember the beginning and the end has yet to come. i merely wait in my numb state. numb but not oblivious. i revel in the insanity. i wallow in the mental anguish my own mind provides. the cycle sustains while the actions remain. take one away and the cycle is disrupted. take many and the cycle is no more. armageddon in silence. trial and error will prevail. let the end commence.

i'll be in the darkest corner of my mind, waiting.

< frozen - melting >