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dec 29, 2004 11:19 a.m.

once familiar, once tied, broken, now estranged

my hands are weak and my eyes are sunken.. i'm feeling a hangover with no alcohol involved. only memories swimming in my head that i try not to think on too hard. but i'm not innocent like i once was. and it is such a shame, but is oh, so necessary. necessary to free myself from all of you. and yes, it feels good.. a comfort not long-lived, but one that feels familiar.

this is like a thought that had a purpose, a path, a meaning, but with no real guide as to which way to go. it is broken off, abrupt and unchallenged, tired and jaded, but not like before. this is different, this is new, and this smile is not fake. it is freedom from all of this even if i am still somewhat tied down. but it no longer tears me as it once did. time heals enough to let go and sometimes that's ok.

do you see?

i'm ok, i made it. the proverbial myth with a mundane hero conquering no one but herself, the greatest enemy of all.

< frozen - melting >