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mar 02, 2004 12:47 a.m.


i sigh because i am happy. i sigh because of relief. i sigh because of apathy. i sigh because i feel. i sigh in expectation. i sigh in waiting.

i am understanding things more and more and realizing that not everyone will understand things in the same nature that i do. and i understand that they may not necessarily need to or should. the energies of this world have a strange way of weaving our lives together yet so intricately apart.

i also understand that i need this time away-- that others need this time away. clarity, something which was so elusive in the past, is becoming more and more frequent with time.

there is no right or wrong way to understanding. it all depends on the individual. it all depends on you.

things are becoming so much more complex, yet increasingly simple as time goes by.

i am not afraid. i just am. and right now, that's all i need to be.

< frozen - melting >