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feb 10, 2003 7:51 p.m.

19th birthday

today is my birthday.

i am now 19. a lot of things have changed since this day last year.

last year. . .

...was my second semester at college

...i didn't have my driver's license

...i lived at home with my family

...i was a virgin

...i didn't drink/smoke much

...was unsure of my future and myself

this year. . .

...is my fourth semester at college

...i have my driver's license

...i no longer live with my family

...i am not a virgin

...i drink and [will probably] smoke a lot

...am still unsure of my future and myself

i can't really tell if this is progress or not.

either way, i had a very nice day.

go me.

< frozen - melting >