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jul 05, 2002 9:50 p.m.

make it stop, please

i feel so overwhelmed with the feelings i'm trying not to feel right now.

it's like.. everything i ever try to make in life is for nothing. friendships, school, any sort of achievements... all for nothing.

i'm so sad..

i can't handle this kind of emotion. i can't even make myself numb. i don't know what to do with myself.

i'm not angry....

i'm just so... i can't express it.

i can't take this life. i'm too fucking emotional right now and i don't know what to do. i'm lost.

what am i doing to myself? why can't i deal with myself?

this is temporary

i feel so fucking much... no, you don't understand! i burst with emotion.. i'm bursting at the seams. i can't feel because there's too much to handle. how the fuck do i deal with this?

i can't numb this!


it's too late for me, isn't it?

so hopeless

i feel so alone

in this thinking

too much is changing and i can't deal. i'm trying not to care.. oh, i tell you i don't care.. and maybe i convince myself i don't.. but i'm crying my eyes out right now so what does that mean?

i wish this pain - this torment - would leave me.....

oh god, i can't take this.

i can't take this.

i can't take this...

< frozen - melting >