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mar 30, 2002 10:59 a.m.

waiting for that darkness to consume you

sun's horizon glazing across the sky as the clouds mirror the odor of compliance. to the left, however, the sky paints a different story. bitter and alone, you are. face hiding all the beauty we'll never see. i want to walk to you - walk that distance - if only to prove to myself that i do care. the darkness is coming, and the sun does not seem to shine as brightly anymore. your mind is the lock. my effort, the key. let me in. let me kill this facade you've pushed upon yourself. let me resurrect whatever life you've tried to deny. your shadow does not have to be your only friend. open yourself and feel true freedom. confined no more, you could experience pain. you could touch this madness and make it yours... controlling it's every whim. but still you slumber. still you forsake whatever choice i have allowed.

and i see you

sitting in yourself, waiting for that darkness to consume you.

< frozen - melting >