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feb 26, 2002 6:32 p.m.

shhh! i'm mental. tell no one...

right now i am looking at an extraordinarily beautiful sunset.

it has almost set.

i also have acquired a boyfriend within the last 2 days. do these things just happen or what? i can't say too much about that because certain people read this. damn you people! teehee.

god, this is almost a normal entry. scary.

i like it when other people and i have things to say to each other. is it a good thing when people don't have things to say to each other?

i crave intelligent conversation.

this is going no where.

"this is going no where? you have yet to begin m'dear! you have yet to begin!"

i've yet to begin and i'm already bored.

yesh, indeed.


well, the sun has set now.

< frozen - melting >