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dec 04, 2001 1:03 p.m.

the dream

i once had a dream that you wrapped me in your secured warmth and kissed me with all the tenderness you possessed.

i dreamed that the stars glimmered like jewels softly cascading down a river of rain. you held me close as the moon exploded into a thousand pieces of laughter - all the while, our eyes locked in an impenetrable stare. thoughts of uncertainty crept down my cheeks, leaving a moist trail that shined. you wiped away the sadness and showed me a path beautiful and untouched.

i dreamed you guided me through that path to an opening below. little fairies flew far above the calling falls that wept transparently. your face so uncertain as i warmly smiled to assure you all would be ok.

i dreamed you cried as i blew you a kiss and leapt from the heights.

and in that moment, i knew then we were truly meant to be.

then the dream was gone. only a remembrance in thought.

< frozen - melting >