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sep 20, 2001 8:15 a.m.

the images in my head

wandering endlessly

i realize

i'm hallucinating again.

this time i'm walking alone

in a desert with the sun beating across my face.

i am singing, "jesus loves me, this i know"

and for once, i truly believe it.

i look at my water bottle

that once held water

and try to remember a time when it was there.

with no luck, i clumsily discard it

and keep on wandering.

i was up, but now i'm down.

my face is to the ground

and i can't seem to get up.

the sun is still beating across me.

i lay there

and wait

wait for the hallucination to end.

and with one last breath

i realize the hallucination was real.

< frozen - melting >