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jul 27, 2001 6:20 a.m.

ray of sunshine

i wonder what i should be feeling right now.

funny thing is, i don't have a clue. i wonder if that's a good or bad thing. oh well, i never can figure this stuff out.


i have a dentist appointment today. fun. actually it's in less then two hours. more fun.

aren't i a ray of sunshine this morning?

well, you can't win them all.

i guess i'm just tired and am not used to getting up this early. and the fact that everytime i think something is going to go right with this college thing, it doesn't. i've already allowed myself to believe i won't get in the first semester.


this way i won't be disappointed when it actually happens. i can just go, "oh well. i already knew this would happen. tell me something i don't know." or something cynical like that.

it always works for me. i think.

maybe i'll be that ray of sunshine later.

< frozen - melting >