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apr 28, 2001 8:13 a.m.

get a clue...

i thought i was finished with this situation.

i guess not...sighs.

i don't know what to do anymore. when i put my foot down and think the worst is over, something just comes along and proves me to be wrong. like usual.

so now i have this horrible feeling in my stomach again. and the subtle premonition that something very bad is going to happen in the near future.

and then what? how will i react to that? will i screw it all up again?

these are the times when i wish i could go back and change things. the decisions i made. the reprecussions that its brought. the lives that have been affected. i wish it could all go away.

i suppose these situations cannot be avoided. i just need to deal with it in an appropriate manner. but that's the thing. i don't know what to do.

i don't have a clue.

< frozen - melting >