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apr 13, 2013 9:49 p.m.

transcription analysis of my life

brain fried but in a different way. my life as a living existential paradox. always was, loved to point that out, but coming to grips with the real truth. i embody a parallel life. i am yin and yang incarnate, in flesh. i stare at this screen with hungry, dead eyes. you would think this a weekend of recreational fun. but this is fun, this is the challenge of a good grade, of praise from a professor, the thrill of this insanity being through with. i test the limits of both the light and dark. i burn, i am extinguished. i drown, i am lost. but like the phoenix i continue to rise. dirty and mud splattered i still rise.

10 years ago i felt this same thrill, this same excitement. i am a thrill seeker by nature. i bore easily. i need new challenges continuously. i may possibly burn both ends of the candle. sooner than i think. but you know what? i can stand up, dirty and mud splattered and scarred and still proclaim that i, that once broken girl, have lived.

have you?

< frozen - melting >