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jan 05, 2009 10:09 a.m.

running or RUNNING?

"what's your story?"

i'm what they call a functional addict. HE saw that much. i jump out of cars. i think violence secretly excites me. i am not a bad person but i am known to do bad things. i ingest, snort, huff. what? i get A's. sometimes i really try. i cough a cough that won't go away. i gorge myself, i run. sometimes i don't. i sniff too much and wonder if they know. THEY = everyone else. i am not an elitist. sometimes i feel like the kid in school who has to hide that they're smart to appear cool. i am not one of those people but sometimes i feel that way. drugs are a way of overcompensating. i do like to party. correction: i love to party.

it's the day after that bothers me the most.

< frozen - melting >