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sept 19, 2006 3:50 p.m.

psychology of healing

my head hurts. i waste time. study! study? ouch ouch ouch. you frustrate me. all of you. my reactions frustrate myself. fucking pussy. i don't hate, sorry. i try not to. excuse me if i don't give a fuck though. i'll only waste so much time on you before i realize i have better things to waste my time on. you're hurt? oh, excuse me for my lack of sympathy. i'm cold? you made me this way. scar tissue keeps building around this heart and all i can say is lesson bloody learned. do not push me. i will push back and i am not as emotionally fickle as you. my head hurts. sighs. open that damn book karina, it's nearly 4pm. you want someone to talk to? talk to a screen like i am. it feels better than talking to a heaving lump of flesh.

< frozen - melting >