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jul 02, 2004 12:37 a.m.

this is nothing to you but everything to me

immediate reaction. change from turn to HE'S AWAKE! and in and out and between. a whistling wind stroking my hair, ever so slightly. it's above me, with no real intention known. this is chaotic, this is the thing dreams are made of. this is art, sincere as any you've ever known. and then it pushes me forward. believing in god is like willingly joining the military during a war. but i won't elaborate on that. this is me, thoughts expressed, and yes, for once, i UNDERSTAND [__________] myself. is this what happens? don't you know that you are not the only one who is here to find out just where the yellow brick road is. none of this makes sense. CORRECTION: she still looks for perfection but acknowledges its futility. AHH he's awake. and i never could have been happier.

< frozen - melting >