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sept 18, 2003 3:30 p.m.


apathetic, approachable, nice, outgoing, introverted,

social, anti social, critical, repressive, supressive,

generous, passive, truely loving, confused, unsure,

concerned, caring, careful, free, isolated, very

little hope, hopeless, doubtful, funny, senseless,

clear, easy on the eyes, easy on the ears,

understandable, misunderstandable, sad, vaguely happy,

content, misleading, manipulating, sensitive,

forgetful, always sticking to your word, slacker,

responsible, intelligent, stupid, bashful, witty,

courageous, creative, beautiful, dark, stressed,

worried, giving, resentful, hard for you to forgive,

even harder for you to forget, thoughtful, independant

and those are words of you for you


^ an email he sent me.

< frozen - melting >