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sept 06, 2003 5:26 p.m.

a windy night

09/01/03 - 11:37pm

once again i am sitting atop my car. a difference, though; i am sober.

place: starbucks, pearl city

a bit late, they say, and i am left outside with no frappucino or iced tall caramel macchiato as consolation. and a cold world, they say this is, but here i am, free as a bird, living in hawaii, and i can't help but wonder just how warm it is for me.

but i am still in a parking lot. a dirty one at that for such a beautiful paradise. and there are the screeching tires in the background with the all-too-familiar blue lights to follow. but this is the cost, i guess. a price that i paid when i stepped on that airplane in arkansas 8 months ago.

you really learn the lesson of sacrifice when you leave all that you know, all that you cherish, and everything that is familiar.

change is scary. the unknown, knowing it will be harder, scarier yet.

but as i sit here atop my trunk writing this, i can't help but smile despite it all.

this is true freedom. this is my independence.

i wouldn't have it any other way.

< frozen - melting >