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aug 01, 2003 9:38 p.m.


i'm having these..thoughts..of mine. i'm seeing things so differently. easily swayed, tho.. we never realize these dangers in tHaT state... air being pulled upward like a fish resisting the fisherman's hook.

explanations. come on, give me more inspiration... :

a heart. wooed.

and the end is here, yet this is not over. and it is a shame that this day will be forgotten. and it is a shame that i do not care enough about my memories enough to save them. i am a murderer of the past. i am that plaque that slowly consumes your teeth, agonizing and relentless. oh, this decrepid state of mine! i speak NOTHING but the truth...

like a good thing gone rancid.


my friend

you'd understand it if you were tHeRe

< frozen - melting >