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jun 05, 2002 8:24 a.m.

morning's wake

i hear the massive pounding of earth chipping away. in dreams, it slowly steals my thoughts and my eyes flutter around crazily as they try to take in what's real and what's not. the ceiling stares at me with a grayscale voice and texture in which i cannot feel. it is mesmerizing. i am intoxicated by the shadow's light and the shapes which take so fervently in my head. and just as suddenly, this feeling is taken from me as soon as it came, leaving me empty and confused. in a spurt of mad passion, i cry out and reach for that melody which soothed my senses and allowed me to see such wonder. in vain, my finger tips only brush across the surface, all the while taunting my actions. in utter defeat, i fall forward and crash into the softness which received me countless times before. i bury my head into the pillow of great comfort. my eyes close once again.

hello, i just woke up and this is my story.

< frozen - melting >