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may 31, 2002 10:40 p.m.

needed: isolation

fucking isolation.

i need it, don't you see?

i'm turning crazy from people. i need to be left alone so i can think right and stop thinking shit about myself.

that's right. being around you makes me feel like shit.


insane insane insane

i feel the need to apologize and mellow this entry out. but you know what? fuck that. i'm tired of acting a certain way to make you feel better.

i fucking hurt too, and who's there to make me feel better? no one.

that's why i need to be alone, so i can take care of myself. no one else is going to. no one knows how. i'm not blaming you; i'm just making you aware.

who is you? it's not a particular person. just the demons i feel like screaming at.

so leave me the fuck alone.

thank you.

< frozen - melting >