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dec 30, 2001 8:48 a.m.

schizophrenia is not good

drawing with the little pink pen in his hand, i found myself eluded by his mysterious words. hands flailing, his eyes dart madly in various directions. his ears perked up, i hear: "schizophrenia is not good for you!" he cries wildly. lips twitching like a leopard ready to pounce, we hold on to our surroundings as if a dimensional portal were ready to open and swallow us all. dazed, the clock becomes my master, and i, its slave. as i wait for my ruler's mind to rest, its mind is away (for now), and all i see is the crazy little elfish man bidding me farewell as i hastily escape the insanity.

"schizophrenia is not good for you," he cries once again.

"schizophrenia is not good!"

< frozen - melting >