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nov 04, 2001 9:58 a.m.

letter IV

her breath quickened as the form of strong sinew formed in her eyes. like always, she acted as if it meant nothing. but it did. it meant everything to her. she sadly acknowledged that fact as she adjusted her seating arrangements ever so slightly. smiling, he sits across from her. happiness just a few feet away. in her mind, she envisioned the mere touch of his hand. losing herself in those eyes of his that could bring life to even the deadest of consciousness. in her mind, he surely was that which brought breath into her being. in essence, he gave her life.

it's hard not to smile at the very sight of you. containing all of these emotions, i find myself hopelessly struggling to maintain this front you see before you. in quiet agony, i talk to your counterpart. but it is not him that i want to talk to. his eyes are not the ones that i find my eyes so drawn to. his voice is not the one that holds my attention so deliberately. no, dear love, it is you that takes my breath away. you that encompasses my most quiet of thoughts.

a word, a gesture, and then he is gone. her moments happiness? disappeared. just like the image that sat across from her so shortly ago.

< frozen - melting >