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nov 03, 2001 9:29 a.m.

black oxygen

take in my oxygen. fill yourself of black un-expectancy, and when you are through, will you discard me like the obscurity i am? or will you demand more? taking less than i am. draining me of what little i live off. i am not that pillar you seem to fathom me. i am that diluted flower you pass by everyday without a second thought. i am that which bends and sways so easily. the object which can snap if the wind blows too hard. easily broken, i am fragile - impressionable. you know this, yet you still want this. my oxygen, frozen marrow imprisoned in a corrupted vessel. shattering, i am on the floor. broken and dead. you see now, dear contentment, we were not meant to be, you and me.

and this will hurt.

i'm sorry.

< frozen - melting >