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oct 24, 2001 8:44 p.m.

the letter II

she is impatient as the clock ticks away. each minute feeling like an hour combined with celestial indifference. she is unsure of her future. why did he offer? was there more to it? unworthy, she feels. he is admired by many, and alas, she is one of the few who is allowed within his presence. exaggeration? no. impunity? maybe.

sadness. a cruel joke? an offering of oblivious pain? but still i follow. why? perhaps it is your kind words and jeweled smile which have captured my thoughts. oh, please, if any mercy is to be given, then let my thoughts be clear and my mind absent.

as she walked away from the trivial chatter in which her mind had turned to, she stole away to the forgotten area, long lost in both their worlds.

< frozen - melting >