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oct 14, 2001 7:20 a.m.

shocking events

it would seem the plan of events that were previously in motion are now discarded with new ones.

you could say this is quite a shock to me.

my grandpa has been in texas since the third(?) of this month. he was supposed to come back within a week or two. now he is extending his stay until the 29th.

he also said he is bringing someone back with him.

i tried to act all nonchalant on the phone. like it was no big deal.

inside i was thinking, "oh, my god, he's gone crazy. is he serious?"

the last line i actually asked him. somehow i knew he was, though. and of course he affirmed that.

so yeah, shock.

i don't know how to take this. he says, "i'm not going to be alone all my life."

then he went on to mention how she wants to me us and how great she cooks lasagna.


i just said, "oh, that's a plus."

he laughed so i'm guessing he didn't sense the sarcasm in that statement.

i don't know. it's not like i'm all anti this woman. it's just weird. she's one of those 'southern' women.. yeah, you know the kind. accent and all.

this is weird.

i just got off the phone with him and had to let it all out.

it's his life and decision as to what he wants to do. i'm not going to judge. i mean, i don't even know her.

sighs. he's bringing her back..? i don't like adults all that well...

no, i don't. they make me uneasy or something. the parental kind anyway.

i just hope my grandpa knows what he's doing. i'll be out of this house soon enough, anyway, if i don't like the situation.

i'm thinking too much on this, aren't i?

sighs, whatever.

i'm going back to bed.

< frozen - melting >