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aug 31, 2001 2:47 p.m.

so here went another day

i dropped out of spanish and am now taking psychology in its place.

i feel like such a quitter.

heh, not. well, sorta. i don't care, though. i hated that class. and psychology is kewl. my teacher is crazy. well, he acts crazy.

by the end of the course i'm supposed to "feel better" about myself. let's see if that happens.

but anyway.

i noticed a series of mood fluctuations with me. it's irritating, not to mention questionable.

yesterday was a prime example.

when i finished my ICS class and was walking to the bus stop, i felt an overwhelming feeling of despair. it just hit me like, out of the blue. i could only continue walking, dumbfounded at this unanticipated feeling. once i reached the bus stop, i merely sat down, puzzled.

it made me want to..do things. go back to the ways i had thought i long ago stopped.

but we all know how i love my depression. ah yes, it feels oh, so good.

i hadn't indulged myself in a while. perhaps an excuse to? hmm. it doesn't matter, though. once i got home it all dissipated. factors were involved, but my mood change was pretty dramatic.

and here i am feeling neutral bordering on good.

my intuition tells me that the time for indulgence is not long in coming.

so here went another day.

< frozen - melting >