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aug 13, 2001 9:42 p.m.

monday night

i wish i could stop coughing.

i wish i could stop puking.

i wish i would feel better.

i wish alot of things, don't i...

i'm going to attempt to make a doctor's appointment tomorrow. i'm tired of being sick. if i'm going to be sick, i'd atleast like to know what i'm sick with.

i literally feel like i'm dying. heh, aren't i dramatic.

i have this sort of compulsive desire to do something which i know i shouldn't. it's weird. i always looked down on this sort of behaviour and now i see myself doing it. the irony of it all.

i think i will take some pills in a moment. perhaps i will find some small comfort in sleep.

goodnight everyone.

< frozen - melting >