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jun 14, 2001 4:26 p.m.

2 sides


how many times do i write in here and want to start an entry out like that? too many times. too many times...

i dislike stubborn people. well, not stubborn people.. but people who are ignorantly stubborn. dammit, i get so mad at them.

ugh.. so much stuff i want to say, yet cannot. there are too many things going on in this head of mine. you have no idea. i think if you knew you would be just as confused as i am right now.

when a certain situation happens, there are two sides to it.

side one: the side that knows it is for the best. that it is a positive thing. that it was meant to be this way. it is better off this way.. it would never have worked the other way.

side two: the side that can't let go. the side that wishes.. n/m. it is the side which holds on to that little trickle of illusion. denial. memories. the side i wish that would stop torturing me....

i'm fine. really i am.

< frozen - melting >