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apr 20, 2001 12:49 p.m.

i am NOT normal


and yes, i will be sleeping. ha!

not yet, though. there are still some things which need to be played out...

i don't feel that well right now. me and my grandpa have been painting this house all week. the fumes aren't bad at first, but after a while i feel sick. not a nice feeling.

beware people, i am running on a low-grade paint buzz.


it's overcasted outside. and it was raining earlier this morning. that means i have to go outside. a necessity. nostolgia at it's highest point.

i was writing this thinking that it might actually be a normal entry. i guess i was wrong. i could be wrong about that too, though.

is this normal? am i normal? what IS normal?

normalcy is what is common. i don't want to be common. i want to be uncommon. i don't see uncommon as a bad thing. i just see it as different. and different is good, right? why have the same thing all the time? why can't things go against the norm?

this is my message to those who say i'm weird. it's a message to myself, too. i say i'm weird. i know i am. a mutual understanding between me and myself.

i'm off to an uncertain day now...

wish me luck that i don't get myself into some sort of trouble.


< frozen - melting >