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apr 13, 2001 10:57 p.m.

break from cleaning

i should be cleaning my house right now.

the key word is should.


my grandpa comes home tomorrow... i've quite enjoyed him being gone for this last week. more freedom to do things i shouldn't.

anyhow, my house is thrashed now. fun.

so now i learned some things that i would have rather not heard tonight. it's better that i know, though, don't get me wrong. it's just...disappointing. which brings me back to entry..i don't remember. it's somewhere there.

there are times in life when you think you know a person. like, seriously. and then something hits you in the face like a stone mallet. ouch.

oh well, i knew sort of. but the thing is, there's still a 1% chance it's wrong. highly unprobable, yes, but i thought so anyway.

yeah, i thought.

but the thing is, when you pop a question to see if it's the truth... the answer is just plain harsh. even if it's meant as nothing. because the thing is, the answer wasn't any better than the things i learned. they were totally different..but they hurt just the same.

oh, damn it all to hell...

it doesn't matter. it shouldn't. i won't let it. it is, but i'll deny it. i won't be able to, but i'll accept it.

and one day i'll get fed up. i hope that day comes soon.

i'm tired of waiting.


ok, back to cleaning...

< frozen - melting >