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mar 03, 2001 8:09pm


holy crap..

am i faced with a dilema.

i need to make a choice about something already.. but damn, i don't know what to do.

this situation just goes to show how stupid i am. again.


this so sux. i suck. ggrrr...

you have no idea how bad i feel. it hurts so bad. like a knife going inside, slowly... but it's like one of those things that affects other people. and that's the killer right there.

god, i don't know what to do..

what do i do?

how do i even begin?

i can't... i don't want to. i shouldn't have to. but i am and i do.

the thing is, i don't have the answers. or maybe i do, i'm just too scared to act on them.

it's times like these that really show me how much of a coward i am. and that in itself pisses me off. it's like i'm weak or something. and i know i'm not that. or maybe i am and i'm just in denial or something.

i'm going in circles..

and whoever is reading this probably has no clue as to what i am referring to.

maybe that's for the better.

maybe not.

congratulations karina, you did it again. want an award?


i just want everything to be ok.

< frozen - melting >