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jan 26, 2001 6:22pm

"m" figure called


i wrote down a whole entry in here and somehow it got all erased. oh well. i can start again i guess. it won't be as good, though.

i'm sincerely tired right now... i can't even remember what happened today. most of it, anyway.


my "mom" called yesterday.. or should i say step-dad who happened to hand her the phone after our brief conversation. nothing much of importance was said.. only about how much she was busy and how i'm just an afterthought but not to let it get to me.

ok, so she didn't say that in those exact words...

but that's how i took it.

oh, well.

i'm feeling disconnected and all right now...that may be due to the fact that i haven't been getting enough sleep.

it's weird.

like things will be happening around me but it doesn't seem to want to process in my head sometimes.

ok, enough of this already...

i'm going to sleep.

< frozen - melting >