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jan 13, 2001 7:54am

peaceful dream

man, am i tired.

i know i say that a lot.

so now i'm back into my daily groove and all.. and of course, i'm tired even more. never enough time for sleep! even on the weekends such as today something happens that stops me from having at least 8 hours.

oh, well. i'll live.

i had a kewl dream lastnight.

god, i get such inspirations from a reality that isn't even real. i love that. it shows my subconscious isn't completely dead.

i dreamed i was in a place of complete peacefulness. it was dark with a blue glowing all around and fireflies zooming about.. i was sitting on a rock so happy. i don't think i even knew why. in the middle was this pool of bright white light that shot out of the water..or maybe it was the water. and all around me were these enormous beautiful green trees.

it was such a nostolgic atmosphere.. jeez, i want another dream like that. lately i've been dreaming these really detailed dreams that i actually remember. this one has been the best so far.

hey..i just looked out my window and it looks likes it gonna rain.


< frozen - melting >